Visual refresh for the 2018 season.

After creating the look & feel for the prior two seasons, the Yankees approached us again to develop something refreshing for the 2018 season. The goal was to get fans in seats and sell more tickets. Aside from the Yankees' history, we discovered that current and prospective fans attended games because of their unpredictable outcomes—the idea that the future's unwritten. With each ticket representing a moment in time, we are putting the pieces of the story in the hands of the fans and allowing them to write the future themselves. The sequential frame-by-frame allowed mini narratives to develop within themselves and occasionally carry across multiple tickets.

16 unique ticket designs were created for top-tier admission—premium suites. Matte, gloss, and gold foil printing processes were applied to further the premium experience. Each ticket was composited of two or more player sequences. Color grading, contouring, hand lettering, and additional dust was added to create more nostalgic and dramatic scenes. 18 unique ticket designs were created for general admission. To keep cost down, these were printed without foil or gloss.

In total, I've been involved with the Yankees for 4 seasons. Stay tuned for work from some of the other seasons in the future.

Additional Imagery

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Brooklyn, NY


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