Build an inspiring career in technology.

Telling the human stories of learners doing amazing things with code, all across the Codecademy community, is something deeply engrained in the brand’s DNA. From students assembling the skills they need for the future to workers making huge leaps into technical careers, we’re constantly blown away by the stories we hear.

How the self-paced, hands-on nature of the product’s learning environment (LE) aligns with the self-driven motivation of the people who use it, but what has always been the most fascinating for me are the lives and stories behind a career in tech. What it can allow for you to do for yourself and the people around you. How the right work life can lead to endless possibility in your actual life.

For this ongoing production, we partnered with Malix to bring to life the energy you feel when succeeding in code and building a life. Making use of a various vintage and modern cameras to achieve a fast-paced mixed media approach.

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Copyright © 2024
Brooklyn, NY


Make great work.
Be nice to people.

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